Update: Base

2019 18 February

We are pleased to announce that today we have released an update of DOMIQ/Base software, which introduces a lot of new features and improves system performance.


  1. We have added integration with Prometheus and Grafana software. This allows to create charts for values present in Base module in any time range.

    More information can be found in the tutorial: Charts in Remote

  2. We have rebuild the mechanism for streaming of video cameras. This feature requires the Remote for iOS version 1.12 or newer, otherwise, remote preview of cameras will not work properly.

    More information about cameras configuration and integration can be found in the tutorial: Cameras in Remote

  3. We have fixed serveral issues that could led to to overall deterioration of performance of the Base module:
    1. We have fixed bugs related to handling of TCP connections.
    2. We have fixed handling of incoming connections from the Remote for Android. This issue could be severe in installations where many Android devices are working.
    3. We have fixed errors in handling of UPnP devices.
  4. We have improved stability of handling of the Remote for Android. This feature requires the Remote for Android version 1.2.0 or newer.
  5. We have added a new command: EXP.shutter. This command allows to control shutters connected to Satel INT-IORS modules controlled by the DOMIQ/Expander. The command can be used to control a single shutter in range from 1 to 4 and all four shutters connected to a single INT-IORS module.
    1. 1. Command syntax for single shutter: EXP.shutter..=up/down/stop. Shutter number is from 1 to 4, where shutter no. 1 uses relays no. 1 and 2, shutter no. 2 uses relays 3 and 4 and so on.
    2. 2. Command syntax for all four shutters: EXP.shutter..all=up/down/stop
  6. We have fixed errors in handling of serial connections (RS-232 and RS-485).
  7. We have added support for new type of BACnet objects: Analog Value and Binary Value.
  8. We have improved astronomical timers. Now you can include multiple time offsets in a single astronomical timer definition (you should enter values separated by commas in the Minute field).
  9. We have added minor changes in DOMIQ/Light driver.
  10. We added other minor changes.


  1. We added the new Charts tab. In this tab you define identifiers of variables available in the Base, that you would like to present on charts in the Remote application using the Grafana software.
  2. In the Remote tab we have added new control called Chart. It allows to display charts from Grafana server. The Chart control has two options:
    1. Local URL - here put an URL of a Grafana chart, which will be used, when mobile device is in range of your home WiFi.
    2. Remote URL - if you want to preview charts outside of local network, you need to redirect Grafana server to the Internet. In this field enter an URL that points to Grafana chart from outside of your local network.
  3. The Switch control now can handle custom values for „on" and „off“ state. Until this update, the Switch element could send one of two possible values: on or off. From now on, it can send any values, for example 0 and 100 or 0 and 1, yes and no, etc. This increases the flexibility of this control and allows to control almost any device. Moreover, we added the Parameters field, which allows you to define custom parameters, that are will be sent together with command assigned to a Switch element.

    Example: using the ramp parameter in the LCN system, allows to turn on/off a light with a ramp. Just type: ramp:xx in the Parameters field, where xx is ramp value.

  4. We added support for images from remote URLs. The Screen element has now new parameter - „url“. In this field, you can enter an URL of an image, to be used as a background of a visualization screen. If both, the url and the background parameters are used, then external resource has a higher priority. In case loading of an external image was unsuccessful for any reason, Base will use local image (if assigned).
  5. Dimmers (including LCN Dimmer) now support minimum, maximum and step parameters. Dimmers can now work in any range. Setting the step parameter allows to set precision of a slider. For example slider can work with 10% increments.
  6. The Value control now supports negative values.
  7. Changes is the BACnet tab - we have added UI for configuration of BACnet Analog Value and BACnet Binary Value objects.
  8. We have added passwords protection using asterisks characters for Camera (menu mode) and Video (visualiation) controls.
  9. We added an interface in the Page element edit view, which allows to define commands that will be executed when the page is opened/clicked.
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