
2018 20 March

We are pleased to announce that today we have released an update of the DOMIQ system software, which introduces a lot of new features.

NOTICE: Update of systempak and webpak components are required.
Below is detailed list of changes. Some changes also require the Remote application update, they are listed with appropriate commentary.


  1. Unpairing of single mobile devices (required Remote for iOS version 1.10.0 and Remote for Android version 1.1.0).
    From now on, you no longer need to unpair all devices. Deleting the pairing using the Remote application releases the license in the Base module. Removing the pairing using the configurator causes the removal of the pairing on the mobile device too. No need to delete pairing on both sides of connection.

  2. User profiles in the Remote application menu mode (requires updating the Remote application to version 1.10.0 for iOS and to 1.1.0 for Android).

    Using this feature you can create device profiles that allow you to control the visibility of the Remote application's menu structure. From now you can easily restrict access to sensitive areas of the installation or create completely different configuration for selected users of the system.
    A detailed description can be found in the tutorial: Remote User Profiles

  3. Added security patch for HTTP requests coming from the IFTTT server
    From now on, it is not necessary to set up admin access from the entire Internet (the Users tab) to be able to receive HTTP requests from the IFTTT servers. It's enough to set the Admin Access to the “Local network only”. This patch completely blocks access (makes impossible to connect) to the Base's configurator from outside the local network, even when the WEB port is forwarded in the router's settings, when Admin Access is set to “Local network only” value.

  4. Increased reliability of handling of UPnP devices.

  5. Sound notifications for SONOS
    From now on, you can play the selected sound file without disturbing the currently playing music or radio station. This allows you to use SONOS devices to play voice or sound notifications in response to any events in the DOMIQ system, eg voice notification about open windows when you're leaving the house and arming the alarm. You can also use SONOS as a door bell.
    For this functionality, we added a new command:
    UAV.notify.<device>=src:<path_to_notification_file>, e.g. UAV.notify.office=src:x-file-cifs://Example/sounds/Ding-dong-chime.mp3
    Of course, the device name and path have to be adapted to your own installation. The easiest way to find the path is to play the sound in SONOS and copy the value of the UAV.uri.<device_name> identifier in the State tab in the configurator.

  6. Added command for grouping SONOS players.
    Adding a player to a group causes it to play the same source as the parent device it's joining to create the group. When the device leaves the group, it returns to the previously played source.
    Commands syntax:

    Add to the group: UAV.group.add.<device_name>=<parent_device_name>. Assume that the controlled devices is called "kitchen" and the parent device is "livingroom". Then the command has the following syntax:
    In order to disconnect device from a group use the following command: UAV.group.leave.<device_name>=<parent_device_name>. For example: UAV.group.leave.kitchen=livingroom.

  7. Added commands to control all UPnP devices simultaneously.
    From now on you can easily control music throughout the entire house. Commands syntax is the same as for individual players, except that the word "all" is used instead of the name of the particular device.
    UAV.control.all=stop, stops playback in all players at the same time.

  8. Improved mechanism of saving MEM variables protecting against their loss.

  9. Optimization of DOMIQ/Light module support.
    Thanks to this current brightness of DALI balasts is updated much faster

  10. Added feature that allows to invoke TIMER and DELAY commands from the Remote application.
    From now on you can call the timer using the Pushbutton element in the Remote application.

  11. Added command for scanning the bus of expanders connected to the DOMIQ/Expander module .
    The command has the following syntax: EXP.scan=1

  12. Fixed detection of connected u::Lux switches.

  13. Added identifiers that stores current date and time. We added the following new identifiers:
    1. CLOCK.hour - current time
    2. CLOCK.minute - current minute
    3. CLOCK.day - day in a month
    4. CLOCK.dayname - abbreviated name of the week (in English).
    5. CLOCK.month - current month (as a number)
    6. CLOCK.year - current year


CONFIGURATOR (if any of listed features is not visible in the configurator reload the configurator or/and clear browser cache).

  1. Added button for removing individual pairings for the Remote application (the Remote Authorization window)

  2. Added interface for creating device profiles. Profiles are used to control the visibility of the elements of the Remote menu structure. (The Settings tab -> the Remote Authorization window).

  3. Added interface to control the visibility of the elements of the Remote menu structure (the Page and Section elements).

  4. The table in the State tab now allows you to select and copy the names of identifiers and their values.

  5. Improved Value control (the Remote tab)

    1. Added "Read-only" option for the Value control, so that the control can only display the formatted value without option for changing its value by the user.

  6. The IDS Input and IDS output controls now supports Satel Integra 256 alarm panels.

  7. Two new buttons in the State tab:

    1. Button that erases all MEM variables from the FRAM memory and deletes them from the State and erases MEMs backup file.

    2. Button that just erases the MEMs backup file.

  8. Added "read-only" option for the Select element (will be supported soon in the Remote app).


  1. Firmware update for Expander modules (ver. 1.0.5) – fixed issue with detection of INT-IORS devices.


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